Monthly Archives: March 2014

Rooman Support Services and Careers


Rooman Support Services

Rooman Support Services and Careers

Rooman Support Services

We are the first institute to certify UGC Approved Graduation and Post Graduation Programs on Infrastructure Management, Wireless Technologies, Network Security and Cyber Law. We give the outsourcing services to those customers who is not that much familiar with the IT support function and increase report the requirement, manage and guide with respect to IT related business issues and deliver the income to the business. Our well trained IT support Engineers are capable to understand your IT support services and come with the ultimate answers to your queries. Our crew is expertised in network and security related projects and handover in on time. Network refresh projects, End-to-End designing, planning, procuring and implementing, Migrating data and Manage user expectations.

Rooman Careers

We are responsible for your jobs, if you have knowledge of Hardware and Networking with certified in MCSE and CCNA proffered you can easily take part and be a member of our family. Persons who posses good communication skills with basic computer knowledge can directly walk in our dice.

Top-notch IT Services

Three aspects is more important for this highly demanding online business ambience and which is highly flexible, upright in speed and good efficiency. Our Top-notch IT Services comprise of all these three aspects to provide a robust and highly prominent IT strategy environment were you can learn in each and every step. We are giving training for Hardware, Networking and Internet Security.


Our Supports:


  • Your PC Hardware, Software and Operating System Support

  • Server Support

  • Networking Support

  • Security Support

We take a trip inside your PC to identify the faults and make up correctly to function proper and fast as ever. We give you the service like installation and uninstallation of software which will support your Operating System, Networking Support like, we give the cisco certification for CCNA and other networking course. We give you the proper technical guidance which supports your business.

Anti-Virus security and Online backup services and many more we will offer under Security support. You can even ask us queries of whatever problem your are facing through technology and your system and we are ready to give you the solutions.