Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

Data loss of any sort or the Server failure is costly for businesses of any size. In the past, many of the technologies that helped avoid the Server downtime or that sped up the recovery process were out of reach for small companies. Redundant systems and connectivity, server and storage clustering, load balancing, access to world-class data centers, virtualization, and fail-safe backup and restore solutions were too costly and complex for most small businesses. This situation is changing quickly, but designing and building a small business network with adequate fault tolerance, data protection, and recoverability still requires experience with both enterprise-class networks and with small business IT environments. IT SupportDesk has the know-how to identify and implement the latest solutions for fault tolerance and disaster recovery that provide big-company network resilience on a small company budget.

Fault Tolerant Server Clustering on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Redhat Linux Server, Database and Email Server.
  • High Availability and Load Balancing
  • Fault tolerant Interoffice connectivity
  • Disaster Recovery Consulting for Disaster recovery strategy

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